Well our eyes share many feeling like love, affection etc. For such beautiful eyes we want beautiful lashes. we always want long, thick eyelashes. Even when we notice someone with such lashes we feel some times jealous too. Eyelashes really require lot of care to make them beautiful and strong. Lashes are nothing different they are hair like those we have on head. We use different treatment, techniques for our hair and often forget our eyelashes. Like hair they require special care too.

Here are some tips for perfect eyelash care 

Prepare a mixture of olive oil, egg and coconut. Apply the mixture with the help of eye brush across the lash root. But while applying take care that it shouldn't damage your eyes. Then take a cotton pill and remove excess oil, so that it will damage your eyes.

If you use mascara then don't forget to remove it before bed, never rub it, treat it gently. Another option for beautiful eyelashes is to use false lashes . Apply them by using a glue, and fix them carefully. Sometimes loose lashes may fall off, and create complication . Use of glue to apply false lashes is one of the good solution. Well false lashes help you to have a gorgeous look. But natural healthy lashes are true sign of beauty. Use eyelash comb, to curl eyelashes. Trim out excess lashes to have a beautiful look.

Another solution is to use eyelash conditioner  or enhancer to have natural beautiful look. Use curler to curl, use eyelash enhancer like to enhance lashes after applying mascara . Spending time and money for eye makeup is not a fair solution. Instead of that you can use eyelash extensions for longer and fuller eyelashes.

Don't forget to remove all makeup before bed and always remember to take care of your lashes as that of your hair. Before using any eyelash product don't forget to read its information, ingredients and always go for review first. Love your lashes like you love your face, skin and don't ignore their beauty. Treat them with love and care. I hope this tips will definitely help...

2 Responses so far.

  1. Grow eyelashes product that you can consider is the mascara style tubes; it applied to the bases of your eyelashes the same ways of eye liner application. The price is ranging from one hundred dollars up to one hundred fifty dollars inexpensive compare to eyelash extensions.

  2. The post is saying that our eyes share many feelings with useful post
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